我的好笔友用英语怎么说 我的好笔友英语翻译

我的好笔友用英语怎么说 我的好笔友英语翻译



1. penpals

2. penchute

3. pen pal

我的好笔友翻译为pen pal。

示例:So Hicks there is my new pen pal.


4. penall


1. pen pal(笔友)

2. penpals( 笔友;笔友教学活动)

3. penall( 笔友)

4. penchute( 笔友)

5. penfriendship( 笔友)


1. This guy, i found something like 30 letters from a singles magazine he placed an ad in.

译文:我在这家伙那里 找到三十几封女笔友写来的信。

2. So, please take particular note of every one.


3. i'm not looking for a pen pal.


4. Stay up all night. Take notes.

译文:准备通宵熬夜吧 做好笔记。

5. He even has his own penfriend, who lives on a sheep farm in New Zealand.

译文:他也有自己的笔友 那笔友生活在新西兰的牧场上。

6. i'll write to you, pen-pal.

译文:我会给你写信的 笔友 I'll write to you, pen -pal.。

7. She's more of a pen pal really.

译文:她只是个... 笔友 真的。

8. My pen pal in Somalia was kidnapped by pirates.


9. You better walk the line or you'll be left for dead

译文:你最好笔直地走 或你将会被前往死。

10. He pen paled 'em, war widows, old maids, spinsters, anyone alone.

译文:他找战争寡妇、老处女... 任何孤单女子当笔友。

11. i have fallen in love with my penfriend, Desmond, and i'm going to live on his sheep farm.

译文:我爱上了我的笔友Desmond 我要在他的牧场上生活。

12. is it an offence to meet pen pals?


13. We just secure the scene and take the statements.

译文:我们只需要看管好现场 记好笔录。

14. So Hicks there is my new pen pal.


15. he asked me to be his pen pal.


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