数据传送动词用英语怎么说 数据传送动词英语翻译

数据传送动词用英语怎么说 数据传送动词英语翻译

数据传送动词的英语可以这样说:data movement verb,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到61个与数据传送动词相关的短语释义和例句。


1. data movement verb

数据传送动词翻译为data movement verb。

示例:By the Movement of the Captains
逮捕了 By the Movement of the Captains



1. irda data(irDA 数据传送标准)

2. RTDM([计] 数据传送程序)

3. synchronous data transmission([计] 同步数据传送)

4. extnd(扩充的数据传送)

5. vernitel([电] 精确数据传送装置)


1. Cambridge, have i been crossed over yet?


2. Data relay gel dispersing in circuitry suit.


3. The measuring station 3 does not transmit more data.

译文:测量站3 不传送更多的数据。

4. But then the problem is the way to get back it's no longer usable

译文:但问题是返回的方法 665)} 705)}虽说使用阿罗汉的线路把我的人格数据传送过去很简单。

5. i knew we shouldn't have switched to the same data-sharing network. Ugh!


6. They're feeding us the stream now Chase, i'm sending it to you.

译文:他们正把数据传送过来,切斯 我正发送给你。

7. The probe transmitted data back to Earth for 58 minutes.


8. i'll send you the location.


9. Once you could do that, you could use that metadata to select the information from all those tens of terabytes going by.


10. There was no transmission in Omaha.


11. Because if they do a bug sweep, they won't pick up anything until it transmits.

译文:因为如果他们探测窃听器 在数据传送之前他们什么也得不到。

12. Modem in place. Transmitting now.

译文:现在接上数据机 开始传送。

13. They're transmitting massive amounts of data. Walter, the bio-chips are supposed to transmit data.

译文:沃尔特 生物芯片本来就该传送数据。

14. Those gold spheres send her infrared data any communication intercepts that she flags a threat.

译文:这些金色的球体将红外数据传送给她 一旦发现拦截的通讯可疑 她就发出威胁警示。

15. it also works for transmitting and communicating data.


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