工委用英语怎么说 工委的英语翻译

工委用英语怎么说 工委的英语翻译

工委在英语中的翻译是"working committee",其次还可以说成"  working committee",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与工委相关的翻译和例句。


1. working committee

工委翻译为working committee。

Assign him or her to a self-managing team, to an employee committee, or to work on a community project.


2.   working committee

工委翻译为   working committee。

He proposed that Congress create a labor committee to help settle the disputes.



1. iec specifications(国际电工委员会规格)

2. NLB(abbr. National Labor Board 全国劳工委员会)

3. nnlc(abbr. National Negro Labor Council 全国黑人劳工委员会)

4. iecq(国际电子零件认证制度(international Electronic Compoment Qualification);电子元器件质量评定委员会;国际电工委员会)


IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IECEE ( 国际电工委员会 )

Council of Labor Affairs ( 行政院劳工委员会 )

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission Standard International Electrotechnical Commission ( 国际电工委员会标准 )

National Labor Committee National Labor Board ( 全国劳工委员会 )


1. Our war programme for the coming fiscal year will cost 56 billion dollars.

译文:因为他不肯遵从战时劳工委员会 (要求其承认工会的命令) 我们为下一财政年度制定的战争项目。

2. People after the introduction of the draft civil code LAC, for the discussion of moral rights legislation still did not stop.


3. The strike committee has banned the sale of alcohol.


4. The designee supervisor will inform all parties in writing of the final decision.


5. The workers are on strike as of today. i'm the president of the striking committee.

译文:工人们今天要罢工. 而我是罢工委员会主席.。

6. We elected our strike committee. That took till 10 or 11 a.m.


7. Liang Gui was appointed Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Yangling Demonstration Zone.


8. Put the president of the striking committee on


9. Shouldn't we expect false witnesses... and sham trials... accusing the Strike Committee of being a band of criminals?

译文:没有伪证人... 没有虚假地判决... 罢工委员会是一群匪徒吗。

10. The postcode of Guan Gong Wei , Yangxi County, Yangjiang City, Guangdong Province, China is 529800.

译文:中国大陆 广东省阳江市阳西县 关工委 的邮政编码是 52。

11. Publish information about the strike committee's start... and its demands.

译文:印发关于罢工委员会的消息... 及其主张.。

12. Assign him or her to a self-managing team, to an employee committee, or to work on a community project.


13. And at night they shot the workers, members of the strike committee, and their families.


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