世博展览馆用英语怎么说 世博展览馆英语翻译

世博展览馆用英语怎么说 世博展览馆英语翻译

世博展览馆通常被翻译为"  SWEECC"的意思,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到37个与世博展览馆相关的译文和例句。




1. exhibition building(展览馆)

2. exhibition hall(展览馆)

3. Glyptothek(雕塑展览馆)

4. industrial museum(工业展览馆)

5. kindermuseum( 儿童博物馆;儿童展览馆)


1. This is the design for the UK Pavilion at the World Expo 2020.


2. The diamond, it'll be delivered to the gallery... under armed guard tomorrow morning.

译文:明天早上会在... 全副武装的警卫下运送到展览馆。

3. Your yard is going to be the showplace of this town.

译文:你的院子要变成 镇里的展览馆了。

4. -Okay, i'll do it. -Stacie, how you getting on at the gallery?


5. So, this is an exhibition pavilion where there is absolutely nothing to see and nothing to do.

译文:这就像是一个展览馆 在那里你绝对看不到也做不了任何事.。

6. And that's not a good experience, to leave a gallery like that.


7. This was an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.


8. i'm at the Pavilion parking lot on University.


9. The priceless diamond, which usually adorns the Royal Scepter... was recently moved from the Tower of London, to be placed... as the centerpiece in a special public exhibition at the Guildhall Gallery.

译文:被镶嵌在国王权杖上... 放置到... 市政展览馆作为特别公众展出的中心展品。

10. Wipe the snot off your nose... and don't show you face round here again.


11. Now, in the National Portrait Gallery, if you don't know the biography of the painting, it's kind of useless to you.

译文:在国家肖像展览馆中, 如果你不知道作品的来龙去脉 那就没什么用了。

12. We've found the cleaning company who has the contract for the gallery.

译文:我们找到了为那家展览馆 做清理的公司。

13. i got a rush job from the Setagaya Museum.


14. They're gonna be viewing the spectacle from a balcony overlooking the river.

译文:他们会在展览馆的阳台看 可以看到整条河。

15. This was an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.


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