任重道远用英语怎么说 任重道远英语翻译

任重道远用英语怎么说 任重道远英语翻译

任重道远的英语为"  arduous task",还可以翻译为  dfnygs,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到87个与任重道远相关的译文和例句。


1.   arduous task

任重道远翻译为   arduous task。

We should not lose sight of the fact that the situation remains severe and we have a daunting task in front of us.


2.   dfnygs

任重道远翻译为   dfnygs。

Thus the eventual withdrawal of American soldiers from the country will be a complicated task.


3. shoulder heavy responsibilities

任重道远翻译为shoulder heavy responsibilities。

Regrettably, Indonesia still seems a fair way off from striking it.


4.   Long way to go

任重道远翻译为   Long way to go。

示例:That's a long way to go, man.
还有很长的路要走呢 That's a long way to go, man.



1. mountain to climb( 任重道远)


much to do and a long way to go Long way to go Motorcycle Information ( 任重而道远 )

Automatic Identification Technology & Application ( 刷卡消费任重道远 )

Hubei Electric Power ( 依法治企任重道远 )

Hubei Electric Power ( 湖北工业节能任重道远 )

Pioneering With Science and Technology ( 孵化器建设任重道远 )

Natural Disaster Reduction in China ( 科技减灾任重而道远 )

Early Education ( 幼教工作者任重而道远 )


1. (Laughter) And it's going to go a long way, i can see.

译文:(观众笑声) 我也知道灭蚊之路仍然任重道远。

2. This could go a long way towards that.


3. But all that said, we have a lot of heavy lifting to still do ahead of us.

译文:这些年研究的结果就是, 关于治疗癌症我们依然任重道远。

4. There are a lot of things we have to do.


5. We are proud to welcome our friend and colleague, Laine Hanson.

译文:负起此任重道远的责任 欢迎我们的同事兼好友。

6. He must win this battle, no matter what.


7. And even now, years later and with a climate denier in the White House, much that was put in motion in those days is still unfolding, and we have everything to play for in the coming months and years on dealing with the climate crisis.

译文:甚至在若干年后的今天, 尽管白宫中存在着气候变化的否定者, 当年已经开展的工作仍旧在继续, 而且在未来的几个月甚至几年中, 我们在应对气候危机方面 依然任重道远。

8. There's still more work to do, because we're building this culture shift.

译文:但仍然任重道远, 因为我们正在进行文化的转变。

9. it's tough being a stepmother


10. And it's not gonna be any easier.


11. Let's make it obvious: Peron is off and rolling.

译文:贝隆也会任重道远 马不停蹄。

12. Promoting our Wushu is a big responsibility

译文:发扬本门武功 任重道远。

13. And that's a big task: persuading all the different countries with the different voting shares in these institutions to do so.

译文:我们任重道远 要说服在这些机构中持有不同投票权的国家 是很困难的。

14. And actually, although we've got a long way to go and a lot of work to do, i can see the day where my two great passions -- cars and the environment -- actually come into harmony.

译文:事实上,尽管我们的工作 任重道远 我依然能够预见到我热衷的两项事业-- 汽车和环境-- 和谐发展的一天。

15. Anna, your father has entrusted me with your well-being, and i take that role very seriously.

译文:安娜,你父亲把你托付给我 我自觉任重道远。

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