财务部主管用英语怎么说 财务部主管英语翻译

财务部主管用英语怎么说 财务部主管英语翻译

财务部主管的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为linkt,还网络中常译为"financial supervisor",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到34个与财务部主管相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. linkt


For example, a CIO may mandate that the accounting department receives network priority at the end of each month.


2. financial supervisor

财务部主管翻译为financial supervisor。

示例:Supervisor - Otto Sonnenfeld
Supervisor - Otto Sonnenfeld


3. finance group

财务部主管翻译为finance group。

示例:business,economics,finance,global issues,green
business,economics,finance,global issues,green


4. media department

财务部主管翻译为media department。

示例:i'm sorry. Uh, what department? Genealogy.
what department?



1. financial supervisor( 财务主管;财务总监;财务部主管)

2. finance group( 金融集团;财务部)

3. linkt( 链路口;财务部)

4. media department( 媒介部;媒介部门;财务部媒介部)

5. host department(主管部)


Finance & Accounting Assistant Supervisor ( 财务部助理主管 )

Deputy Head of Finance Deputy Head of financial ( 财务部副主管 )


1. - You can't beat the Treasury.

译文:你斗不过财务部的 对 从财政方面而言 You can't beat the Treasury.。

2. - Or maybe not. Maybe management's had money problems this whole time.

译文:或许主管阶层有财务问题 已经很久了。

3. Defence, FCO, Bank of England, Treasury, HMRC...

译文:国防局 外交和联邦事务部 英格兰银行 财务部 英国税务海关总署。

4. And, as treasurer, you could release those funds?

译文:身为财务主管 你可以挪用那些钱。

5. You will call the President, and on flash precedence priority, he will call the Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury.

译文:你联络总统,要求紧急程序 叫他通知国务卿和财务部长。

6. But when i was at Treasury, we looked into prison brokers.

译文:但我在财务部的时候 我们调查过"监狱交易员"。

7. So the last possible people that should be giving advice to Treasury would be Goldman.

译文:华尔街称霸时代的终结之时 所以 最不应该 给财务部建议的人是高盛。

8. No other Treasury personnel involve.

译文:不能有财务部其他任务人参与进来 No other Treasury personnel involve.。

9. They put me in the accounts department.


10. Mr. President, Mr. Leventhai at the Treasury wants two minutes. Hi, Sydney.


11. i will be in contact with the treasury and the state department and my own government.

译文:我会跟财务部和国务院联系 还有我国政府。

12. Secretary of the treasury.


13. This is Stone, Treasury Department. 1 634 Racine, i need an ambulance.

译文:我是财务部的史东 拉辛大街,我需要救护车。

14. - Head of Product Development. - Ross.

译文:Ross Haskell 研发部主管...。

15. Jubilee is in charge of our office administration.


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