房产证原件用英语怎么说 房产证原件英语翻译

房产证原件用英语怎么说 房产证原件英语翻译

房产证原件在英语中的翻译是"  Original house property title",其次还可以说成"  Housing Property Ownership Certificate",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到85个与房产证原件相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Original house property title

房产证原件翻译为   Original house property title。

示例:So, how's it going with the title to the house?
房子过户的事办得怎么样了? So, how's it going with the title to the house?


2.   Housing Property Ownership Certificate

房产证原件翻译为   Housing Property Ownership Certificate。

示例:this residence Ms. Bonifante is entitled to full canine property ownership, and will be enforcing said ownership right now.
邦尼范小姐有权取得 大部分犬只财产拥有权 她现在执行... 拥有权



1. escritura( 房产证)

2. real estate ownership( 房产证)

3. the real estate( 房产证;跌了;房地产测绘费)

4. house property(房产)

5. housing estates(房产)


1. - We found the original in Zavitz's apartment.


2. Look, family certificates, house deeds, and mom's personal seals.

译文:你看 户册 房产证 我妈的私章。

3. Oh! Natural. Here the original is!

译文:哦,当然这是原件 我的错。

4. They wanted any originals.


5. All the originals need to be copied and filed.


6. The traitors wiped the PharmaKom mainframe.

译文:保存 背叛者毁了原件。

7. But Morn hid the house deeds, her seals and bankbooks, she hid them all.

译文:我妈把房产证 私章 存折 都藏起来了。

8. i'd need to see the original.


9. First of all, you send the original to the district office.


10. Real-estate deeds, passport...

译文:房产证 护照... Real -estate deeds, passport...。

11. i'll give you the original

译文:原件 我给你们。

12. "Original Declaration of independence, dated...

译文:独立宣言"原件 签署于...。

13. Well we have our joint apartment lease. Joint bank account.

译文:我们有联合房产证 联名银行账户。

14. We made copies. These are the originals.

译文:我们复印过了 这是原件。

15. You can keep that. i have the original.


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