三天半用英语怎么说 三天半的英语翻译

三天半用英语怎么说 三天半的英语翻译

三天半用英语翻译为"semiinfinite atmosphere",其次还可以说成"trid",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到74个与三天半相关的释义和例句。


1. semiinfinite atmosphere

三天半翻译为semiinfinite atmosphere。

示例:The edge of the atmosphere.
大气层的边缘 The edge of the atmosphere.


2. trid

3. lethal dose 50/30

三天半翻译为lethal dose 50/30。

示例:instead of dropping a lethal dose of the poison...
而不是下降致命的 剂量的毒药...


4. Ruchbah


1. lethal dose 50/30(射后30天半数致死剂量)

2. trid(三天)

3. Ruchbah([天] 阁道三)

4. Trid.([医] 三天)

5. semiinfinite atmosphere([天] 半无限大气)


1. (Laughter) Six and a half days, that certainly is a fatal dose.

译文:(笑声) 六天半,当然是致命的剂量。

2. Even his birth, i labored a day and a half to bring him into this world.

译文:生他时,我阵痛了一天半 才将他带到这个世上来。

3. Your mother will protect you.

译文:一天半就到了 但你妈会保护你。

4. A day and a half to get there, at least.


5. Lose a day. Maybe a day and a half.


6. - Actually, two and a half. - Me too.

译文:事实上,二天半 我也是。

7. it's been, like, a day and a half.

译文:-才一天半啊 -随便啦。

8. This crisis won't end in a month or two


9. Now you got a day and a half to rest up for old Monday.


10. We haven't got as much time as we'd thought. i'd say, a day, a day and a half at the outside.

译文:我们不够那么 多 时间思考了 只剩一天时间 , 一天半在外边。

11. i've been following Mantis for a day and a half now.


12. - Mia westlake. Marin county heiress. She was taken a day and a half ago.

译文:Marin郡的女继承人 一天半前被绑架。

13. i just ingested six and a half days worth of sleeping pills.

译文:我刚消化了 合六天半剂量的安眠药。

14. i just ingested six and a half days worth of sleeping pills.

译文:我刚消化了 合六天半剂量的安眠药。

15. You didn't think i'd notice a suitcase sitting there for 23 and a half days?

译文:你以为我没有注意到 那箱子在那儿放了23天半了。

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