符姓用英语怎么说 符姓的英语翻译

符姓用英语怎么说 符姓的英语翻译

符姓在英语中的翻译是"swarns",其次还可以说成"last name",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到43个与符姓相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. swarns

2. last name

符姓翻译为last name。

示例:Hey, i need you to run a last name for me...
I need you to run a last name for me...


3. mahes

4. prenom


1. last name(姓)

2. mahes((姓))

3. myoto((姓))

4. swarns((姓))

5. prenom(姓)


1. FOOGLiES: We're trapped! Floop is a madman!


2. Sacha, the amulet! i need the amulet!

译文:莎夏 护身符 我需要护身符。

3. She died. in the end, that's the reality.


4. A very lucky charm indeed. Protection.

译文:非常强大的幸运符 保佑护符。

5. Carmen ! She's working for Floop!


6. The Fabulous Floop is away on other business, sir.


7. Bad, there are spells everywhere


8. - is this a good-luck charm?

译文:- 护身符吗。

9. in fact that's what i intend to do What proof do you have?


10. Moving the amulets will bring bad luck, so... after you have moved them, everybody is so scared...

译文:都说擅动平安符 后果难测 所以 大人动了平安符。

11. - Lucky charm. - Oh, it's just funny.

译文:幸运符 真搞笑。

12. i've picked 3 people their fates have been sealed one will be a beggar for 9 lives one a prostitute for 9 lives one a villain for 9 lives

译文:钱先生就姓钱哪 不姓钱姓什么? 还钱。

13. He who wears the Auryn speaks for the Empress.


14. Amulet, amulet, where's my amulet?

译文:护身符,护身符 我的护身符呢。

15. i can just share your surname. What's your?


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