将圈起来用英语怎么说 将圈起来英语翻译

将圈起来用英语怎么说 将圈起来英语翻译

将圈起来通常被翻译为"plush plating"的意思,还网络中常译为"Pens.",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到20个与将圈起来相关的释义和例句。


1. plush plating

将圈起来翻译为plush plating。

示例:Leslie's plating, Elizabeth's plating.
Leslie在摆盘了 Elizabeth也在摆盘了


2. Pens.


示例:They're tough, fountain pens.


3. double over

将圈起来翻译为double over。

示例:Get over there. Get over there on the double.


4. stake up

将圈起来翻译为stake up。

示例:Remember, stick if it's 16.
Remember, stake if it's 16.



1. stake up(na. 设桩圈起来)

2. Pens.(n. 钢笔;圈;围栏;畜栏\nv. 写;圈起来)

3. plush plating(沉圈起毛)

4. Penning.(n. 钢笔;圈;围栏;畜栏\nv. 写;圈起来\n 潘宁;石块铺砌;潘宁真)

5. double over(将(某物)叠起来; (使)弯腰)


1. But nowadays, your typical classroom has pods of desks -- four or five or six or seven kids all facing each other.

译文:但是在现代社会,所谓典型的教室 是些圈起来并排的桌子-- 四个或是五个或是六、七个孩子坐在一起,面对面。

2. animalshaven't just been hunted by humans; they've also been hemmed in.


3. You have all these uncircled numbers with no sequence to them.

译文:你看这些没有圈起来的数字 还没有对应上任何东西。

4. - You send me to bed at nine, you always leave the toilet seat up and why should you have the top bunk?

译文:- 你送我去睡觉九, 你总是把马桶座圈起来 为什么你应该有 上铺。

5. "Your dead shall rise, shall live again"

译文:"死了的人将起来 将复活"。

6. i know who he is. Holster your weapon.


7. Max, can you make sure you put the toilet seat up when you pee'?

译文:马克斯,你可以确保 你把马桶座圈起来,当你撒尿。

8. Then they had to hang the clothes out to dry.


9. Then one by one, she would encircle these thorns with dark ink.

译文:接着她会一个一个地 把这些刺用黑墨水圈起来。

10. Put chancellor jaha in the stockade.


11. But nowadays, your typical classroom has pods of desks -- four or five or six or seven kids all facing each other.

译文:但是在现代社会,所谓典型的教室 是些圈起来并排的桌子-- 四个或是五个或是六、七个孩子坐在一起,面对面。

12. "Fucking sand niggers should get herded and slaughtered.

译文:中东鬼们都应该被圈起来宰了 {\3cH202020}"Fucking sand niggers should get herded and slaughtered.。

13. i'm gonna circle that one till later.

译文:先圈起来再说 {\3cH202020}I'm gonna circle that one till later.。

14. And he grabs the tether and starts winding the tether up around the arms of the manipulators.

译文:他抓住系链开始把 操作者圈起来。

15. Boom! You done moved in the wrong range.


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