签订本合同用英语怎么说 签订本合同英语翻译

签订本合同用英语怎么说 签订本合同英语翻译

签订本合同的英语是"  Signing of this contract",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Execution of this Contract",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与签订本合同相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   Signing of this contract

签订本合同翻译为   Signing of this contract。

It is vital that the contract be freely entered into.


2.   Execution of this Contract

签订本合同翻译为   Execution of this Contract。

This Contract is made by and between the two parties, whereby they agrees to obey stipulated below.



1. prime contract(基本合同)

2. terminating the contract(终止本合同)

3. signing a contract( 签订合同;签订合约;签定合同)

4. licensing contract( 签订许可合同)

5. sign a contract(签订合同)


Before signing the contract ( 在签订本合同前 )


1. They're signing up sailors right now.


2. He refuses to sign our files but attends our party!

译文:他拒绝和我们签订合同 却还来参加我们的派对。

3. it must shake up the contracts.


4. You entered into a mutual agreement.


5. This contract is not about only profit.

译文:本合同不仅 只有利润。

6. Turns out the indonesian government has chosen to contract our company to run the port of tanKulu.

译文:印度尼西亚政府选择和我们公司 签订合同 让我们经营坦库鲁港口。

7. Oh, i did not realize that you had that option contractually.

译文:我不知道 有在本合同。

8. When you were given the opportunity to enlist a kind of contract was agreed upon.

译文:当你被军队录用的时候, 你和军队就等于签订了一个合同。

9. That contract was signed under false pretenses.


10. The town authorities must decide and construction begins.

译文:市政必须签订合同 项目必须开始动工。

11. Minister, the Japanese contract is billions of dollars cheaper.

译文:部长,日本合同只有数十亿美元 Minister, the Japanese contract is billions of dollars cheaper.。

12. i want to be a secret agent. A contract agent, whatever.


13. You signed up for a no-holds-barred contest, and that's exactly what you're going to get.


14. i was young, 18, 17 i do not even get to sign the agreement.

译文:签订合同时 我只有17 xx岁 还未成年。

15. And do you know which industrial giant won a contract with that government for 37 new wells?

译文:与政府签订37处新油井合同的 工业巨头是谁。

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