冬至用英语怎么说 冬至的英语翻译

冬至用英语怎么说 冬至的英语翻译

冬至的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为winter solstice,在日常中也可以翻译为"Dongzhi Festival",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到93个与冬至相关的翻译和例句。


1. winter solstice

冬至翻译为winter solstice。

The total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.


2. Dongzhi Festival

冬至翻译为Dongzhi Festival。

According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn.


3.   Winter Solstice Festival

冬至翻译为   Winter Solstice Festival。

Remarkably, the total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.



1. winter solstice(冬至)

2. winter solstice?(冬至)

3. solstice(①冬至②夏至 )

4. midwin( 冬至)

5. solstitial tide(冬至潮)


1. i can say at very general, the sun of the winter solstitiul passing through the area of Water, whether is considered to be or not the center of the galaxy, somewhere between 1900 and 2150.

译文:我笼统地说, 每年冬至日的太阳 都会经过人马座区域 不管你是否认为 这就是银河系的中心。

2. Three days later will be the advent of winter

译文:xx日后... 便是冬至。

3. it is from the Sun solstitiului during the winter.


4. in a few days the winter solstice will be past and with it the hour of the prophecy.


5. He was a solstice gift when i was 4.

译文:他是一个冬至 礼物时,我是4。

6. Quite strange is that this solstitiul date coincides with the winter.

译文:很奇怪, 这个时间和冬至日重合.。

7. And at the winter solstice, that light pours into the temple at Karnak.

译文:只有在冬至那天 阳光才能射进卡纳克神庙。

8. The solstices and the eclipses are all correct.

译文:夏至 冬至 蚀象 无一不预言准确。

9. That's measured in the winter solstice.


10. Solstitiului sun during the winter in 2012 are in line with the "cut black"

译文:xx年冬至日的太阳 与"黑暗裂缝"连成一线。

11. One of the key alignment monuments of the izapa is towards sunrise solstitiului during the winter.

译文:其中一个关键是 Izapa纪念碑的排列 朝向了冬至日的日出方向.。

12. They did that because their guardian told them to live there.


13. As for the operation of its and how the Sun affects the position during periods of echinoctii and solstitii, the zodiacal signs and so forth.

译文:是关于太阳的如何运行 其运动如何影响春分和冬至的位置, 以及用黄道星座标记等等诸如此类.。

14. Yeah, probably Holdenacar god of the winter solstice.

译文:有可能是Hold Nickar,冬至之神。

15. Solstice is Latin for "sun stands still", because as the Earth orbits around the sun and the year passes, the point at which the sun rises above the eastern horizon moves.

译文:冬至在拉丁语中的意思是"sun stands still" 因为地球绕太阳运转 在xx年当中 日出位置在东方地平线上移动。

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