清朝末年用英语怎么说 清朝末年英语翻译

清朝末年用英语怎么说 清朝末年英语翻译

清朝末年的英语可以这样说:late Qing dynasty,在日常中也可以翻译为"the end of the Qing dynasty",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到71个与清朝末年相关的短语释义和例句。


1. late Qing dynasty

清朝末年翻译为late Qing dynasty。

In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the scientific train of thought represented by the seismograph of Zhang Heng was promoted overseas, and modern seismology came into being.


2. the end of the Qing dynasty

清朝末年翻译为the end of the Qing dynasty。

China was actually being bullied by all greater powers toward at the end of the Qing dynasty up till the start of WWII, and Japan was one of the country that had bullied her.


3.   the end of the qing dynasty

清朝末年翻译为   the end of the qing dynasty。

It's [the result of] a long tradition from the later years of the Qing dynasty down to today. But we restudied the problem and revisited it and made it more perfect.



1. manchu dynasties(清朝)

2. qing dynasties(清朝)

3. Song dynasty( 宋朝;宋代;南宋末年)

4. mandarinate(清朝官员的职务 )

5. Qing dynasty( 清朝;清代;清史)


1. or your fingers will be chopped off! Signed Cheung"

译文:"不然手指就都别要了,张保仔 (清朝时期香港著名海盗)"。

2. The Qing Dynasty Emperor, Qian Lung.


3. Since Ching Dynasty until now there's rebellions all the times


4. Majored in archeology in China. Age, 43.

译文:清朝留学的考古学家 年龄xx岁。

5. i haven't had a date since the Chin dynasty.


6. At the end of the Kingdom of the United Shilla, the Royal family indulged in luxury and corruption, and the thanes brought about revolts and wars.

译文:新罗联合王朝末年, 王室大兴骄奢贪腐之风, 贵族之间纷争战乱不休.。

7. i'd rather die than be ruled by the Manchus.


8. it's like the last years of Ching Dynasty


9. Here how the king's tomb of China was robbed?


10. Grandma was born in the Qing Dynasty, when China and Britain were fighting the "AMiPM War".

译文:奶奶是清朝人 那时,中国和英国 还在打“虾片战争”。

11. isn't it the one popular now in the Qing Empire?


12. Wars happened during the end of Sui Dynasty.


13. The Ching Dynasty sold us out.


14. - How dare you! This robe is from a famous silk shop in the Qing Empire...

译文:你小子 这件衣服是清朝最有名的丝绸店...。

15. Old Mr. Lu was a government official of the Qing Dynasty

译文:卢老太爷在清朝 做过道台。

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