但是不好听用英语怎么说 但是不好听英语翻译

但是不好听用英语怎么说 但是不好听英语翻译

但是不好听的英语可以这样说:pleasant to hear,其次还可以说成"Jerem.",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到35个与但是不好听相关的释义和例句。


1. pleasant to hear

但是不好听翻译为pleasant to hear。

示例:Thank you, and have a pleasant flight.
and have a pleasant flight.


2. Jerem.

3. saving your reverence

但是不好听翻译为saving your reverence。

示例:it might even... open a path to saving your career.
It might even... 甚至可以... open a path to saving your career.


4. unpercussive


1. unpercussive( 不好听的)

2. saving your reverence([古语]说句不好听的话)

3. pleasant to hear(受听;好听;好听的)

4. but(但是 )

5. Jerem.( 但是)


1. To say something that made some...

译文:说句不好听 那做了一些...。

2. Great. Thank you. Now let me kill the good feeling.

译文:很好,谢谢 现在我说些不好听的。

3. - That didn't sound right.


4. - Stop talking shit. - You are dirty!

译文:老是讲这种不好听的话 你好肮脏。

5. if you insist but don't blame me for being crude


6. Must be not nice to be so not nice.


7. it's not important. Let's just agree it was unkind.

译文:那不重要 反正就说是不好听的话。

8. With the computer having no way to distinguish between those which we would consider beautiful and those which we won't.

译文:电脑是不法区分 我们觉得好听 或者不好听的旋律。

9. Have you heard the Beatles new record?

译文:听甲壳虫的新专辑了吗 不好听。

10. i don't like it. i don't like it.

译文:我不喜欢 不好听。

11. - Are you trying to blackmail me?

译文:- 长官,这个词可不好听...。

12. Lady winegrower doesn't sound nice.


13. And his name isn't that good...


14. But Qinglai's got a sharp tongue too


15. - You make it sound unsavory.


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