可编目用英语怎么说 可编目英语翻译

可编目用英语怎么说 可编目英语翻译

可编目的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为drwing list,还网络中常译为"original cataloging",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到99个与可编目相关的译文和例句。


1. drwing list

可编目翻译为drwing list。

示例:The Bucket List, The Bucket List.
《Bucket List》


2. original cataloging

可编目翻译为original cataloging。

示例:He was cataloging the obligations of the governing to the governed.
他编排出了 统治者对被统治者的义务。


3. laser file

可编目翻译为laser file。

示例:Why would anybody write a song called, "Carry A Laser?"
Carry A Laser?


4. list processings

可编目翻译为list processings。

示例:Oh, hey, they're posting the list!
they're posting the list!



1. drwing list(图纸编目)

2. laser file(激光编目)

3. list processings(编目处理)

4. map cataloguing(地图编目)

5. original cataloging(原始编目)


1. it wasn't just programmable, it was reprogrammable.


2. There's a lot of cataloging to be done.


3. You can't make this stuff up.

译文:伙计 这你可编不出来。

4. You're going to catalogue that whole collection for us, aren't you?


5. i'm a 25-year-pld in an 85-year-pld bpdy.

译文:xx岁的可编程逻辑器件 在一个xx岁的PLD的身体。

6. it affects something called PLCs. Programmable Logic Controllers.

译文:它能对PLC产生影响 也就是可编程逻辑控制器。

7. There's new programmability in these parts.


8. A trouser catalogue. i don't do it anymore.

译文:裤装的编目 我现在不做了。

9. What happened to your fancy Edinburgh job at the trouser catalogue?

译文:喔 你在爱丁堡的那份好工作怎么了? 写裤装的编目。

10. in a programmable world, we remove humans and institutions from the loop.

译文:在可编程的世界里 人类和机构不再参与到金钱交易的圈子里。

11. Because i have another case that requires some procedure to be catalogued, and i put it aside especially for you.

译文:也需要编目过程 我专门留给了你。

12. This was the first programmable loom.


13. Go on with your cataloguing. We'll open it later.

译文:继续你的编目吧 我们会迟些打开它。

14. Then we need programmable parts that can take that sequence and use that to fold up, or reconfigure.

译文:接着我们需要可编程的部分 这部分能接受这一序列 并用于折叠或是重塑。

15. They're not even cataloged yet.


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