个人信息用英语怎么说 个人信息英语翻译

个人信息用英语怎么说 个人信息英语翻译

个人信息的英语是"  Profile",其次还可以说成"  Personal",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与个人信息相关的译文和例句。


1.   Profile

个人信息翻译为   Profile。

I need your personal details now.


2.   Personal

个人信息翻译为   Personal。

Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID numbers.


3. personal details

个人信息翻译为personal details。

The publishers promise not to use spyware to grab your personal information.


4. the personal information -

个人信息翻译为 the personal information -。

示例:Dreams are personal information confidential



1. personal information terminal(个人信息终端)

2. personal organisers( 个人信息)

3. personales( 个人信息)

4. individual information( 个人信息;基本资料)

5. viewprofile(查看个人信息;检视个人资讯;查看用户属性)


Personal Information Management Enhance and Deepen Relationships personal information manager ( 个人信息管理 )

personal information manager personal information management PIM iSpace Desktop ( 个人信息管理系统 )

EssentialPIM Pro Thoughts winpid PIMOne ( 个人信息管理软件 )

Other Information ( 其他个人信息 )

personal information data ( 个人信息数据 )

CSoftLab C-Organizer Professional personal information management tool ( 个人信息管理工具 )

PIMBACKUP ( 个人信息备份恢复工具 )

personal information manager Evolution Omien tietojen hallinta PIM ( 个人信息管理器 )

personal information appliances ( 个人信息器材 )


1. "Personal information restricted.


2. Of personal information in commerce.

译文:个人信息 在商业。

3. But after five years of blind removals, that is down to 21 percent.

译文:但在隐去孩童的个人信息后, 这个数据降到了21%。

4. That's my personal information and you have no right to know about it!

译文:这是我的个人信息 你无权了解它。

5. Your most personal information is controlled by corporations.


6. i can't give out personal information.


7. But is it ethical to use personal information this way?


8. i have personal things on here.

译文:里面有个人信息 I have personal things on here.。

9. FDR: Let me get this straight. You put your personal, private details on a very public website?


10. Our information is being used to create the new therapies.

译文:为开发新型疗法, 我们的个人信息正在被使用。

11. What can we do with just one person's data?

译文:用个人信息 我们能做什么呢。

12. Our dead guy in autopsy kept records of his message board chats with Krampus.

译文:全部记录了下来 这些信息透露了个人信息。

13. We have a copy of it that's OK for research, we removed identifying information.

译文:我们有拷贝权,搜索时许可的 我们挪开了个人信息。

14. What can we do with just one person's data?

译文:用个人信息 我们能做什么呢。

15. Priority is put on finding the individuals leaking the information.

译文:优先放置于寻找 个人信息泄露。

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