百感用英语怎么说 百感的英语翻译

百感用英语怎么说 百感的英语翻译

百感的英语翻译是"sensation of fullness",还网络中常译为"sense of competence",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到24个与百感相关的译文和例句。


1. sensation of fullness

百感翻译为sensation of fullness。

That I have been able to attend a grand meeting such as this one, fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas.


2. sense of competence

百感翻译为sense of competence。

Yet it was the Inuit success stories that most grabbed delegates.


3. have mixed feelings

百感翻译为have mixed feelings。

Steve Jobs, the ex-CEO and one of the Apple's co-founders ceased his last breath on 5th October, 2011, which stirs up all sorts of mixed feelings throughout the world.


4. mixed emotions

百感翻译为mixed emotions。

示例:One has mixed emotions when you see the end of a fight.
比赛结束后 我的感情很复杂 One has mixed emotions when you see the end of a fight.



1. have mixed feelings(悲喜交加,百感交加)

2. with mingled feelings(百感交集地, 悲喜交加地)

3. mixed emotions( 百感交集;复杂的感情;复杂的心情)

4. sense of competence(胜任感、能力感, 胜任感)

5. sensation of fullness(胀满感;饱胀感)


Feeling hundred percent Part ( 百分百感觉 )

Mixed Feelings Mixed Emotions ( 百感交集 )

wa ka ta chi ta ru o mo ( 百感交集的心绪 )

Mixed feelings fill the hearts ( 百感交集的内心 )

Hear The Angels Cal ( 情根深处百感集 )

The Hundred Secret Senses ( 百种神秘感觉 )

One hundred moving your story ( 一百个感动你的故事 )

Pertussis HSF ( 对百日咳易感因子 )

In vacant or in pensive mood ( 感到百无聊赖心灵空漠 )

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade ( 梅西百货感恩节大游行 )


1. So many feelings together..


2. Hear what he hears. Feel the Call, like he does.

译文:听其所听 感其所感。

3. You gave us an appointment from your busy schedule..


4. i had mixed feelings about you joining up with us when we ran into you down in Meridian.

译文:当我们在默里迪恩遇见你时 你的加入让我百感交集。

5. She counted on you to see what she saw, feel what she felt, know what she knew.

译文:感其所感 知其所知。

6. i was so happy i got all emotional.


7. You have no idea how amazing it is to hear you say that.


8. Look at the sense of power, the feeling of potency.


9. But when i first spent time with professor Kasser and i was learning all this, i felt a really weird mixture of emotions.

译文:当我第一次和卡塞尔碰面时, 我学到了所有这些东西。我真是百感交集。

10. Darn... it's hard t' be notic'd.

译文:真累啊 存在感 存在感。

11. in those days there was a raw... a raw mix of emotions.

译文:当时,大家心里 百感交集。

12. Let's try it again, but with more emotions


13. Thank you all so much for joining us this evening.


14. This immense beauty awakens all senses in me so that i miss you a lot here.

译文:如此的美景让我百感交集 在这里 我是如此的想念你.。

15. i have mixed feelings about being a parent.


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