

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay according to the following situation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words:

Suppose you are going to graduate from your college in a few days, and your class is holding a party to celebrate the graduation. You are supposed to address your celebration speech to show your gratitude toward your teachers and classmates and share your plans for the future with them.


1. 导语解读:要求考生根据情景内容简述毕业致辞内容。

2. 情景解读:假设你即将在毕业聚会上发表毕业致辞,你将如何感谢你的老师和同学,并分享你未来的计划?

3. 文章立意:没有老师和同学的无私帮助,就没有现在的自己,也没有机会站在台上发表毕业致辞,所以衷心感谢老师的教育和同学的陪伴,同时分享自己打算出国深造的计划。


1. 第一段简要表达自己发表毕业致辞的荣幸之情,并提出情景内容。

2. 第二段为致谢:对老师和同学的付出一一表示感谢。

3. 第三段为计划:分享自己打算出国深造的计划。


Good afternoon, my dear teachers and classmates. Today, I feel honored to have such a precious opportunity to deliver a graduation speech here on behalf of the graduates. 1 Looking back the past four years, I clearly understand that it is the teachers, classmates and friends who make me what I am now. Without your unselfish support, I would not be here today. 2

Therefore, I must express my sincere gratitude to all of you. Thank you, my respected and beloved teachers and faculty members. 3 You have provided us with an excellent education which has helped us achieve academic success. I also want to say thanks to my dearest classmates here for sharing happiness and sorrow with me. 3 Thank you all for making my college life so wonderful and meaningful.

It’s time to say goodbye although I am reluctant to do so. 4 But we have to keep moving forward to meet new challenges in our lifetime. Some of us will continue our studies at the post-graduate level. 4 Others will rush to apply their skills to a professional career. 4 As for me, I plan to study abroad to expand my knowledge. 4 No matter where you go and what you do, I wish you good luck.

Congratulations and thank you all. 5






1. 致辞以表达荣幸之情开场。

2. 自然过渡,引出对老师、同学的感激之情,紧扣作文话题。

3. 先老师后同学,分层次表达自己的感谢。

4. 段落之间连贯自如,从对师生的感激自然过渡到对未来的展望。

5. 末段感情升华,达到烘托气氛的效果。


feel honored to 感到荣幸

on behalf of 代表

gratitude n. 感谢

respected adj. 可敬的

beloved adj. 可爱的

provide…with… 为……提供……

academic adj. 学术的

post-graduate 研究生


1. Looking back the past four years, I clearly understand that it is the teachers, classmates and friends who make me what I am now.

这句话中使用了现在分词作状语的结构,其中looking back动作的主语跟主句的主语一致。

2. Without your unselfish support, I would not be here today.

这句话中使用了无if 的虚拟语气结构,“Without your unselfish support”是与事实相反的条件。

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