multifigures是什么意思 multifigures的中文翻译、读音、例句

multifigures是什么意思 multifigures的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. Now, Ms. Dunbar can talk about balancing the scales, but she inherited a multi-billion-dollar fortune and never had to earn any cents on the dollar. (少数裔女性甚至只有67美分 Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. 但她继承了亿万家产 but she inherited a multi)


例句:These figures have been disputed. (有人对这些数字提出了质疑。)


例句:Figures of up to 200 million euros have been mentioned. (据说最高曾达2亿欧元 Figures of up to 200 million euros have been mentioned.)


1. Figures of up to 200 million euros have been mentioned. (翻译:据说最高曾达2亿欧元 Figures of up to 200 million euros have been mentioned.)

2. A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi-month or multi-year project. (翻译:一个星期所产出的数据是没法衡量在长达数月或是数年的项目中TDD的效用的。)

3. The figures for absenteeism are going up and up. (翻译:旷工时数越来越多 The figures for absenteeism are going up and up.)

4. New building: Multi Thrower ! (翻译:新建筑:多机! )

5. You see, party figures can be very unreliable, Prime Minister. (翻译:您看 党派的数据很不可靠 首相 party figures can be very unreliable, Prime Minister.)

6. So we reduced the figures! (翻译:So we reduced the figures!)

7. "Multi-syllabuses with Multi-coursebooks" model is justified from both theoretical and empirical grounds. (翻译:本文从理论分析和实证研究两方面对“多纲多本”进行了全方位的论证。)

8. Rogers, did you take away two of these figures? (翻译:罗杰斯 你有没有拿走两个瓷像? Rogers, did you take away two of these figures?)

9. They work as enforcers for the multi-corps. (翻译:他们是多元部队政策的强制执行人 They work as enforcers for the multi -corps.)

10. These figures are now outdated. (翻译:这些数字现在已经过时。)

11. The figures are astronomical. (翻译:这些都是天文数字。)

12. - These figures are just guesses. (翻译:这些数据只是估计而已 These figures are just guesses.)

13. And all these figures are Ok? (翻译:数据都对吗? 对的 我保证 And all these figures are Ok?)

14. Fortunately, I have a multi-step plan. (翻译:算你走运 我制定了多步计划 Fortunately, I have a multi -step plan.)

15. Crime figures are rising rapidly. (翻译:犯罪数字正在迅速上升。)



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