契合用英语怎么说 契合的英语翻译

契合用英语怎么说 契合的英语翻译

契合的英语为"conjunction -",在日常中也可以翻译为"  coincidence",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到37个与契合相关的短语释义和例句。


1. conjunction -

契合翻译为 conjunction -。

This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars.


2.   coincidence

契合翻译为   coincidence。

During those few weeks, mom and I also found the perfect fit for our shopping relationship.


3. correspondence -

契合翻译为 correspondence -。

The value fit matters, says Cialdini, because innovation is, in part, a process of change, and under that pressure we, as a species, behave differently.


4. agree with

契合翻译为agree with。

示例:- Get the Chancellor to agree.
Get the Chancellor to agree.



1. method of agreement(契合法)

2. molecular fit(分子契合)

3. incoherent precipitate(非契合析出物)

4. induced fit(【酶学】诱导契合)

5. inducedfit theory([酶]诱导契合说)


converging interests conjunction point ( 契合点 )

common interests ( 利益契合点 )

The great mudra Mahamudra ( 大契合法 )

The crow mudra Kaki Mudra ( 乌鸦契合法 )

Psychic finger lock Chin Mudra ( 手指契合法 )

The horse mudra ( 马式契合法 )

method of agreement BANDHA & MUDRA ( 契合法 )

ergonomico ( 契合人体工学 )

induced-fit hypothesis induced fit induced-fit model ( 诱导契合学说 )


1. Horus evinced a range of attributes, some of which may well correlate with a leadership position.

译文:荷鲁斯的人格 和领袖位置有很强的契合度。

2. with your horse... and your arrow.


3. That all our suffering will somehow accrue to some greater plan.

译文:所有的磨难都是为了契合 一个更宏大的计划。

4. Besides, it suits your figure to perfection.


5. Does that apply to this model you've got here?


6. OK? And, as you can see, it is literally the diagram on the right.


7. So, i went looking for a common denominator.

译文:所以我找了他们的契合点 那个赌马人。

8. Mickey, i don't mean to be pushy, but we're perfect together.

译文:米姬, 我不是在给你压力... 只是 ...我们是如此完美的契合.。

9. it's got personality, and i think it plays into the hand of both of these artists.

译文:这歌个性十足 正契合两位选手的长处。

10. Now, it is not necessary that these stories agree with each other.

译文:现在的状况是, 这些故事不必彼此契合。

11. (Music: "Sonata in F," KV 13, by Wolfgang A. Mozart) it fits the room perfectly.

译文:(音乐:"F小调奏鸣曲" 乌夫冈·A·莫扎特) 它完美地契合了这个房间。

12. Obviously i would be like a perfect fit for TED.


13. Hell, no! i'm not dying today.


14. No affmity, or real tenderness.


15. And in some ways, the music that they're writing for this place works perfectly.

译文:在某些方面 他们为那里创作的音乐 非常契合。

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