驱魔人用英语怎么说 驱魔人的英语翻译

驱魔人用英语怎么说 驱魔人的英语翻译

驱魔人的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  Lost Souls,其次还可以说成"The Exorcist",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到82个与驱魔人相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Lost Souls

驱魔人翻译为   Lost Souls。

In order to save his son, the exorcist sent him far away until the demon could be destroyed.


2. The Exorcist

驱魔人翻译为The Exorcist。

The dramatic footage shows the woman repeatedly saying she is "not the same" before the exorcist told her she was dead.


3.   Exorcist Fantasy

驱魔人翻译为   Exorcist Fantasy。

He can carry and re-carry men very speedily from one Kingdom to another, at the Will and Pleasure of the Exorcist.


4.   The Exorcist

驱魔人翻译为   The Exorcist。

示例:We are talking full-on "Exorcist" twist.
We are talking full -on "Exorcist" twist.



Exorcist The Beginning exorcist ( 驱魔人前传 )

exorcist ( 驱魔人人 )

exorcist ( 驱魔人人)

Keeper of Darkness ( 陀地驱魔人 )

Dominion Prequel to the Exorcist ( 驱魔人外传 )

Exorcist II The Heretic ( 驱魔人续集 )


1. And that's when the "Exorcist" voice pops out.


2. it's like, he's sang the "Ghostbusters" theme...

译文:就像 他唱的驱魔人主题曲。

3. Have you ever seen "The Exorcist"?


4. Rumour has it that he used to be Europe's best exorcist.


5. Beyond Jamie Lee Curtis, forget Linda Blair, i mean, this is the ultimate.

译文:杰米·李·柯蒂斯 恐怖片女王 Linda Blair 《驱魔人》演员 超越了杰米·李·柯蒂斯以及琳达·布莱尔 你的加入就是终极体验。

6. With the bishop's permission an exorcist is then summoned to determine possession.

译文:征得主教同意后... 驱魔人才能确定附身。

7. And the point of telling your boss that you just saw his newly-dead friend in a scene out of the Exorcist would have been...?

译文:重点就在于告诉你上司 你刚刚见过他才过世的朋友 而且就在《驱魔人》的情节里。

8. - How about the "Exorcist".

译文:- 驱魔人怎么样。

9. - it was like The Exorcist. - Huh.


10. i submit those things were found... from page 70 of this particular version of "The Exorcist."

译文:我说明 这些东西可以找到- 在"驱魔人"这一特定版本第70页。

11. Remember the incarnate who disappeared last year?


12. And Jill Tarter was there, and she turned to me, and she looked at me just like that girl in "The Exorcist."

译文:Jill Tarter也在那儿,她转过来, 看着我,就像《驱魔人》中的那个女孩。

13. Should've minded your own business, exorcist.

译文:别多管闲事 驱魔人。

14. "The Exorcist" would have been a class 2.


15. That you were a truly great... exorcist?

译文:您真的是一位很厉害的... 驱魔人。

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