学习相关知识用英语怎么说 学习相关知识英语翻译

学习相关知识用英语怎么说 学习相关知识英语翻译

学习相关知识用英语翻译为"primary learning",还经常被译作telelearning knowledge module,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到46个与学习相关知识相关的释义和例句。


1. primary learning

学习相关知识翻译为primary learning。

示例:it's nice to finally meet you.
学习 Learning.


2. telelearning knowledge module

学习相关知识翻译为telelearning knowledge module。

示例:i feel i bring in modern technology, modern knowledge.
modern knowledge.


3. knowledge of community

学习相关知识翻译为knowledge of community。

示例:Went without saying, and then was a community chest is be not?
and then was a community chest is be not?


4. learning to learn

学习相关知识翻译为learning to learn。

示例:Make me learn it without learning it.



1. knowledge of community(社区相关知识)

2. related knowledge( 相关知识;相关常识;产品相关)

3. telelearning knowledge module([计] 远程学习知识模块)

4. learning to learn(学习如何学习, 学习如何学)

5. primary learning(初步学习;主学习,正学习)


1. But it doesn't have to be formal learning; it's not knowledge based.

译文:但这不需要是正式的学习; 它不是以学习知识为目的。

2. We're ready to learn to get some knowledge.


3. These women are learning about first aid and their rights according to the constitution.

译文:这些女性在学习急救知识, 以及宪法赋予她们的权利。

4. Same way she's learned everything she knows.


5. The idea was to learn something about infection.


6. Now, use me as a resource.


7. So i set out to learn more about the psychology of motherhood.

译文:所以,我开始学习更多 关于母性心理的知识。

8. Over the year we'll be working in various domains.


9. And institutions can learn from this.


10. We can teach climate-related illnesses in our health-professional schools.

译文:我们可以在医学院 教授气候相关疾病的知识。

11. Financial literacy is having the skills and the knowledge to make informed decisions about your money.

译文:金融知识指的是,掌握相关技能和知识 来做出关于财务的明智决定。

12. will help you learn to use that knowledge for the benefit of others.

译文:会帮助你学习 怎样利用知识 来造福他人。

13. He said that he wanted to study the specific field of genetic engineering.


14. i hope -- if you want to know more, you can read more.

译文:我希望 -- 如果你想知道更多,你可以阅读更多相关知识。

15. Who is there among your people who knows something about radioactivity?

译文:你的族人里 有谁了解核辐射相关的知识。

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