阅读了课文用英语怎么说 阅读了课文英语翻译

阅读了课文用英语怎么说 阅读了课文英语翻译

阅读了课文用英语说"readed",其次还可以说成"reading text",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到56个与阅读了课文相关的译文和例句。


1. readed

2. reading text

阅读了课文翻译为reading text。

示例:~ Reading, writing, arithmetic ~
# Reading, writing, arithmetic #


3. readduced

4. texta


1. reading text( 阅读课文;阅读短文;阅读技巧)

2. texta( 课文;课文A;课文参考译文)

3. djao( 一起阅读了由赵)

4. readduced( 读了)

5. readed( 读了)


1. i read it, i go, whoa, this is a big deal.


2. i've had a chance to read it.


3. You, recite your lesson on the Seine river.


4. He began by reading everything

译文:他认真的阅读了 He began by reading everything。

5. i read all the clauses carefully.


6. i was raised in a religious family, and i grew up reading both the Bible and the Quran.

译文:我成长于一个宗教家庭, 同时阅读了《圣经》和《古兰经》。

7. i read all about the scourging and the crowning with thorns.


8. Now let's repeat lesson one.


9. My mother never learned to write, was never interested in school.

译文:母亲不识字 有的课文她也听不懂。

10. i also looked at the Department of Defense report that lists casualties.

译文:我同时也阅读了记录伤亡者的 国防部报告。

11. And i read all of "The Hunger Games".


12. Don't interfere or there will be a slaughter.

译文:但我已经能阅读了 "警长,这儿有一起银行抢劫案。

13. Didn't you practice reading?


14. i do not demand miracles, but they must be able to read road signs and manuals and other easily accessible texts.

译文:我不要求奇迹 但他们应该... 能够学会基本课程 能阅读简单的课文。

15. Read them, initial the boxes, sign them, and we'll have you home by the end of the day.

译文:阅读了, 标注了 签署, 今天晚上我们就送你回家。

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