黄种用英语怎么说 黄种的英语翻译

黄种用英语怎么说 黄种的英语翻译

黄种的英语可以这样说:the yellow race,还网络中常译为"  Mongoloid",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到20个与黄种相关的释义和例句。


1. the yellow race

黄种翻译为the yellow race。

We explore the clustering characteristics on xanthous face.


2.   Mongoloid

黄种翻译为   Mongoloid。

The Chinese belong to the yellow race.


3.   Yellow

黄种翻译为   Yellow。

Then why does the white man despise the yellow?



1. the yellow race(黄种)

2. Mongolian race(na. 黄种)

3. yellowseed( 黄种子评时事)

4. xanthoderm([医] 黄肤者, 黄种人)

5. yellow man( 黄人;黄种人;胆小的人)


yellow race Xanthous yellow man ( 黄种人 )

Mongoloid (蒙古人种 )

Mongoloid yellow race the yellow race ( 黄色人种 )

white or yellow if youre brown or red ( 白种人还是黄种人 )

Zhong-Mai Huang ( 黄种买 )

special brass ( 特种黄铜 )


1. i'm with you all the way. i think we've got trouble. Pull your cars over, you little brown pointy-heads!

译文:我全力支持你 似乎有麻烦 停下你们的车 你们这些黄种尖头怪。

2. So although he dies here he doesn't have to come back Chinese.

译文:当然也不能因为 他的葬礼在中国举行... 就一定要变成黄种人。

3. Apparently, dad's spinning in his grave because i'm studying the evil ways of the yellow man.

译文:据她说 我爸在坟墓里无法安宁 就因为我研习黄种人的邪恶学问。

4. impotent, yellow faced, narrow eyed coons!

译文:阳痿的黄种 Impotent, yellow faced, 小眼丑逼们! narrow eyed coons。

5. When modern science is questioning the race concept, what does it mean for us to be black, white, yellow, red?

译文:当现代科学在质疑种族这一概念时 黑种人、白种人、黄种人、红种人到底意味着什么。

6. They don't scare me, i just like yellow ones better.

译文:不是害怕白种女人 而有拥有黄种女人的是爱好。

7. - No, i don't, because if i rule and determine a suspect... is black, yellow or brown


8. He did call him "my little yellow friend." But...

译文:他是会叫他"黄种朋友" 不过... He did call him "my little yellow friend." But...。

9. Well, i suppose you will be wanting sushi, my little yellow friend?

译文:我猜你很想吃寿司了 是不是 我的小黄种人朋友。

10. We see male, female, young, old, black, brown, white, stranger, friend, and we use the information in that box.

译文:我们看到男性、女性、年轻人、老年人、 黑种人、黄种人、白种人、陌生人、朋友…… 然后我们就运用在那一分类之下的信息。

11. The draft is white people sending black people to make war on the yellow people to defend land they stole from the red people!

译文:这场仗就是白人派黑人... 去跟黄种人开战 保护他们从红蕃手上抢来的土地。

12. Dirty, yellow little Chinese communist!

译文:臭黄种小中共! 尝尝这个。

13. You lose ground to black and yellow.


14. You can't say that. You cannot say "Oriental."


15. But Tyler's white. How'd he become Chinese?

译文:泰勒是白种人 怎么会变出来的孩子是黄种人呢。

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