规则规定用英语怎么说 规则规定英语翻译

规则规定用英语怎么说 规则规定英语翻译

规则规定的英语可以这样说:  rules regulations,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到56个与规则规定相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   rules regulations

规则规定翻译为   rules regulations。

But, like a rule in Greek grammar, there are many exceptions.



1. make a rule(制订规则,规定)

2. disobey the rules( 违抗规定;违反规则)

3. numbered rules( 号码排列的规定;数位规则;数字规则)

4. legal rules([法] 法律规定, 法律规则)

5. implementing rules( 实施细则;实施规定;规则)


Observer (规则中规定 )

rule of universal specification ( 全称规定规则 )

written rules and regulations ( 成文的规则和规定 )

rule of existential specification ( 存在规定规则 )

regulations and routines ( 规则 常规和规定 )


1. it is stated in Article 30 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure.


2. McLaren Formula One. What's the formula?

译文:麦克朗规则1 什么规则。

3. And the rules clearly state that two senior technicians have to be present at all exit procedures.

译文:但是规则明确规定, 必须有两名高级技师操作, 才能全部退出程序。

4. House rules, man. House rules.


5. That's regulation, you know.


6. i know it isn't explicitly stated in the rules, but... you can't fall in love with the lead, you know that, right?

译文:我知道规则里没有明文规定 但是... 你应该知道你不能爱上主角吧。

7. i'm sorry, but rules are rules.

译文:我很遗憾 但规定就是规定。

8. Those are the regulations.


9. Go with "unfair prejudice."

译文:就按"不公正的偏见"这条 (《联邦证据规则》第403条规定)。

10. They have to, those are the rules.


11. OK. That's just the way things are.

译文:随便 但规定就是规定。

12. And i'm sorry for your suffering, but we have rules and regulations for immigrants to come into this country legally.

译文:而且我很抱歉 你的痛苦, 但我们有规则 并规定 移民 进入这个国家的法律。

13. it's a civil provision designed to, uh, prevent frivolous and irresponsible lawsuits, like this one, and, uh, to sanction quite severely those who file them.

译文:哦 "规则11" 这是一条民法规则... 目的是为了 防止无意义的诉讼 类似这个诉讼 这条规则对提出诉讼的人 规定了严厉的处罚。

14. But there's nothing in the rule book that says you can't.

译文:但是规则里没有任何规定说 你们不能这样去参赛。

15. it's a rule that we have here.


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