麝牛用英语怎么说 麝牛的英语翻译

麝牛用英语怎么说 麝牛的英语翻译

麝牛的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  musk-ox,还经常被译作musk-ox,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到58个与麝牛相关的释义和例句。


1.   musk-ox

麝牛翻译为   musk-ox。

Long ago there was no town and people used caribou, musk ox, polar bear, and Wolf skin for clothes and blankets.


2. musk-ox


Enough to give nightmares to musk ox and Arctic hares, the favorite prey of the long-legged white wolves of the Arctic.



1. Ovibos moschatus( 麝牛;麝牛属)

2. Ovibos mosechatus([脊椎] 麝牛)

3. quviut(麝牛绒)

4. musk cow(【动物】母麝牛)

5. musk ox(n. 麝牛)


musk-ox wool ( 麝牛绒毛 )

wooly musk ox ( 羊毛麝牛 )

musk-ox musk oxen Ovibos moschatus ( 麝香牛 )

wooly musk ox ( 盲目麝香牛 )


1. The musk oxen have recently given birth.


2. A heavy skull and a helmet of horn four inches thick provide some protection for the musk ox's brain.

译文:厚厚的颅骨加上 十厘米牛角形成的头盔 在一定程度上保护了麝牛的大脑。

3. "that a woman by herself is nothing."

译文:"... 女人本身麝牛马都不是"。

4. A bull musk ox marks his territory with scent from the glands on his face.

译文:一头雄麝牛用脸上 腺体的分泌物来标示领地。

5. Unlike the musk ox, caribou do head south for the winter, but it's a long and difficult journey.

译文:驯鹿与麝牛不同,要回南方越冬 不过旅途漫长而艰难。

6. The musk ox is outfitted with broad hooves to walk on snow and a winter undercoat of cashmere-like wool softer than a lamb's and impervious to the cold.

译文:麝牛则配备有宽大的脚蹄 以便行走在雪地上 身上还长出一层。

7. For the musk oxen, it's all for one and one for all.


8. in the whiteout, the threat is almost impossible to detect, but the musk oxen instinctively retreat to higher ground.

译文:在白茫茫的天气中,有危险也几乎不可能察觉到 但是麝牛本能地向高地撤退。

9. The ice-breakers create an opening for other over-winterers.


10. Flocks of ptarmigan make unusual grazing companions for the musk oxen, whose entourage grows throughout the day.

译文:成群的雷鸟与麝牛结成了紧密的伙伴关系 它们的活动忙碌一整天。

11. By now, most animals have migrated south, but the musk oxen with their thick coats will stay and face the approaching winter.

译文:现在多数动物已经迁徙到南方去了 不过有着厚毛的麝牛 将会留下来面对寒冷的冬季。

12. Musk oxen are immensely powerful and their sharp horns can kill.

译文:麝牛强壮有力 锋利的牛角是致命武器。

13. Alaska's last horned survivor of the Pleistocene Age it embodies the resiliency and adaptability of life in it's battle with the elements.

译文:阿拉斯加仅存的更新世有角动物: 麝牛 在与自然相抗衡的过程中。

14. Musk oxen are on the move.


15. The whole herd encircles the calf with a protective wall of horns.

译文:整群麝牛将小牛围在中间 犄角向外进行抵御。

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