生活追求用英语怎么说 生活追求英语翻译

生活追求用英语怎么说 生活追求英语翻译

生活追求在英语中的翻译是"life pursuit",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到18个与生活追求相关的短语释义和例句。


1. life pursuit

生活追求翻译为life pursuit。

She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.



1. fursuiting( 追求追求)

2. follow the mode(赶时髦,追求流行的生活方式)

3. faddism(追求时尚 )

4. follow after(追求, 追随)

5. go after(追逐, 追求)


Yet life pursuit products ( 生活追求产品 )

Pursuit of life ( 追求生活 )

Pursued Shang Pin to live ( 追求生活尚针 )

lifestyle entrepreneur ( 追求生活方式的企业家 )

The pursuit of life ( 对生活的追求 )


1. They talk about wanting lives of purpose and greater meaning.


2. Well, i don't want to pursue my own path. That wasn't the deal.

译文:我不想追求自己的生活轨迹 不是那么回事儿。

3. Even the most unworthy of us has a right to life and the pursuit of happiness.

译文:我们都有权利生存 去追求幸福的生活。

4. Young people today are more preoccupied with the attainment of the perfect life and lifestyle.

译文:今天的年轻人更专注于 追求完美的生活 和生活方式。

5. i came here for a better life.


6. it is for life... liberty... the pursuit of happiness...

译文:这是为了生活... 自由... 对幸福的追求...。

7. life, the pursuit of clean living... at the expense of all who sniffle at the hem of their gowns.

译文:生活,追求 干净的生活 ... 在所有的费用 谁在下摆流鼻涕 他们的礼服。

8. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among others.

译文:包括生活 自由以及追求幸福在内的权利。

9. Yeah, a man in my position travels with the wall, Chasing shifts to make a livin'.

译文:是的 我到处建墙 追求工作生活。

10. it is associated that product with a kind of life that people want to live.

译文:它把产品 与人们所追求的生活联系起来。

11. And that's how cohousing starts: with a shared intention to live collaboratively.

译文:这就是公共住宅的本意: 追求协作生活的 共同意愿。

12. And Japheth lives only to please.


13. i wanted to live the sophisticated life. Like my Aunt n' Uncle Orange.

译文:我想追求更多彩的生活, 就像橘子舅舅一家。

14. - You don't have any other motivation in life?

译文:你的生活就没有别的追求了吗 当然有。

15. You'll have a very different life from the one you might have lived, but if you're sure it's what you want?

译文:离开唐顿 你的生活轨迹 会与原先大为不同 你确定那是你所追求的生活吗。

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